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⦁  METHOD:The results of the project were disseminated in Italy by exploiting the presence of in events of partner companies and by suggesting training activities in elderly centers in Italy. The leaflet created for the project was disseminated at all the events organized: in English and Italian at all partners, only in Italian at senior centres, and local events.

⦁   WHEN: The event "Festa dei creativi – I creativi si incontrano in terrazza con il circolo degli esistenzisti" held at the Salve Association in via Savoia (Rome) on 26 July 2023. 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:The involvement of the seniors was quite important since, in addition to direct dissemination in elderly centres, also created a mini-website in which it made the results of the project and the resources developed at the disposal of all Italian stakeholders inside of the same. We involved more than 100 seniors. 

⦁ disseminated the results of the project during the event "Festa dei creativi – I creativi si incontrano in terrazza con il circolo degli esistenzisti" held at the Salve Association in via Savoia (Rome) on 26 July 2023.Galileo has developed a leaflet in two versions (English and Italian). The leaflets were used to share the results, methodologies and Best Practices crCeated and shared during the project work with those present at the in-person events. The Italian version was mainly created for sharing within senior centers while, for the most part, the English version was used for sharing with partners.A mini-website has also been created to facilitate national dissemination ( ) of all Italian stakeholders.

⦁    FEEDBACK:All the seniors involved declared themselves enthusiastic about the proposed methods and the ease of the materials. ⦁    PLANS:We will certainly include some of these methodologies in our training for seniors.The two modules “ICT for seniors” and “Internet safety for seniors” are already included in our training catalogue.We will prepare specific training modules for:⦁    Encaustic painting;⦁    Easy astronomy;⦁    Digital storytelling.


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⦁  METHOD:Online cinema course, Storytelling through photography.

⦁   WHEN: The event took place in Lisbon, Portugal, between the 10th and the 15th of July, 2022.  

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved 11 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:Online cinema course People will see examples of movies and then start with a roleplay where they will:⦁    Create character with name, age, gender and extra information ⦁    Get one character assigned ⦁    React to the prompt depending as the character 

After this, each day will have a main task to reach the final goal of learn and do cinema:- Storyboard (will be divided in groups and each group will do a storyboard and develop that for the shooting in the next day);- Shooting (shooting of scenes of storyboard in the place that you chose);- Editing (Intro in Pixlr to edit photos and workshop on editing movies by a movie director  And Creation of collages with  pictures/magazines/newspapers.).

Storytelling through photography Workshops on presenting biographical narrative through photography. People participating in the workshop will use cameras (it will be acceptable using the smartphone camera). Each participant will tell 3 different autobiographical stories, one of which will consist of 3 photos, one of 6 photos and one of 9 photos. During the first day of training, participants will learn about photography, painting and techniques where they will learn how to best use cameras and how to convey specific emotions and messages through photography. On the second day, work will have to explore biographical narratives and reflect on the stories that participants wish to express through photography. The next part will be field work (participants will take photos telling their stories). On the last day, they will complete all fieldwork and present the results to other participants. The workshop will be conducted by an operator filmmaker and photographer. The training will result in learning new ways of activating seniors and developing creativity; extending the professional competences of participating educators - employees and volunteers from partner organizations. The training will also result in establishing new professional and personal contacts.  

⦁    FEEDBACK:The participants had a positive opinion about the event and thought the methods were very useful.  

⦁    PLANS:- Films allow us to place ourselves in another’s shoes and be empathetic to their situation and struggles;- Films result in raised oxytocin levels that translate into people being more charitable and happier;- Films promote resilience in situations similar to those the film characters go through.



⦁  METHOD:Flipped Classroom

⦁   WHEN: Gdansk Festival of Light, Gradowa Hill,  14.05.2023Gdansk University of Technology, 16.06.2023 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved more than 30 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:The concept of the flipped classroom, originally developed for students, has found its way into adult education and has proven to be particularly beneficial for the elderly. The theory behind the flipped classroom is simple: instead of traditional lectures where information is delivered in the classroom, learners access educational content at home through pre-recorded videos or online resources. In practice, this means that elderly learners can watch instructional videos, read articles, or complete interactive exercises at their own pace, taking advantage of the convenience of technology. This approach allows for a more personalized learning experience, where classroom time is dedicated to discussions, problem-solving, and practical application of knowledge. The flipped classroom model promotes active engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration among elderly learners, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and facilitating social interaction, all of which contribute to a fulfilling and effective learning experience.More than 30 seniors, participants of different U3A in Poland took part in the flipped classroom activities. There were people from Aleksandrów Łódzki, Kamienna Góra, Redzikowo, Oborniki Śląskie, Suwałki, Ścinawa, Tychy, Uniejów, Ustka, Wolsztyn, Stryj.The subject proposed for the flipped classroom was titled “Walk or bike around Gdansk University of Technology campus”. Materials (films, maps, presentations) were send to participants in advance.  They were walking around the University campus having maps and presentations (attached). They were asked for finding answers for questions about history, buildings, architecture details, as well as they were asked for making photos. At the end they were asked about possibility of using the similar approach in their cities.  

⦁    FEEDBACK:All participants declared they will to repeat such a game in their environment. They quality of the online materials were evaluated very high.  

⦁    PLANS:We plan to include Flipped Classroom as a permanent offer for seniors because this method promotes active engagement, critical thinking and collaboration among elderly learners.



⦁  METHOD:the workshop

⦁   WHEN: Gdańsk Festival of Light, Gradowa Hill, 13.05.2023 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved 15 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:Artificial intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the main topics of the year 2023. The rapid development of AI-based technologies affects all spheres of life, from education to economics, so understanding what artificial intelligence is and how it can be used has become very important and can make our lives significantly easier. The workshop "Light on Artificial Intelligence" was an excellent opportunity to expand participants’ knowledge on the subject and gain practical experience in working with AI tools and algorithms. During the meeting, participants got acquainted with the basic issues in the field of artificial intelligence and learn about the tools and working methods used in AI projects. 

The agenda of the event was the following:

⦁    Introductory video -

⦁    Introducing instructors  -

⦁    Icebreaker - Let’s know each other

⦁    Showing a good practice video

⦁    Presenting 3 topics: What is Alexa, The most popular AI applications, Using AI in Erasmus+ PEER-TRAIN project, Inviting to the blog -

⦁    Oral answering questions: What do I take away with me?  Do/how do you want to continue meetings on AI topic/face to face/online? 

⦁    FEEDBACK:All participants evaluated very high the workshop and they want to take part in similar events at their destinations (Gdansk, Warsaw, Tychy).  They will use the following tools chatGPT, DeepL Translator, DALL-E 2 presented during the workshop.  

⦁    PLANS:We have been using workshops as the main method in our permanent offer for seniors. Workshops can include group activities, discussions, problem-solving exercises and practical application of knowledge. They also provide a platform for social interaction and collaboration.



⦁  METHOD:Computer Basic Course 1 60+ (Windows 10 and Office 2016)Direct implementation of the concept from LTT Rome: Internet safety for seniors

⦁   WHEN: VHS Floridsdorf14.02.2023, 14:00 - 17:0016.02.2023, 14:00 - 17:0020.02.2023, 14:00 - 17:0023.02.2023, 14:00 - 17:00 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved 10 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:After the course you will know how a computer is built and know its basic features. You will be able to operate the keyboard and mouse and use the user interface and menus. You can select and use appropriate applications to organise data and files and organise data. You know how to use the search function appropriately and how to customise the user interface.The safe use of the internet is explained with the help of appropriate software. Virus scanners and safe settings of apps help with internet safety. 

⦁    FEEDBACK:The operation of the PC was well explained. Internet safety is important, but a difficult topic.  

⦁    PLANS:We have been using workshops because of the success and the need. But not least because of the dangers on the internet.



⦁  METHOD:Direct implementation of the concept from LTT Norrköping: theatre in public space

⦁   WHEN: 11.09.2023, 16:00-17:00 Uhr (VHS Alsergrund) 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved 40 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:Join us on a journey through time: Our time machine will take you back to the year 1874. Past, present and a glimpse of the future - all this awaits you at the storytelling café. A historian and long-time course instructor Erika Swoboda provide insights into the history of Galileigasse 8, from the time of the orphanage in the 19th century, to the present day, over coffee and cake. Historical picture material from diploma theses and other publications will also be shown. Listen to our stories about the VHS Alsergrund and tell your stories. We look forward to an exchange! 

⦁    FEEDBACK:100% positive feedback from participants.  

⦁    PLANS:There is need to do such workshops in the futer



⦁  METHOD:Oral history in a museum context

⦁   WHEN: June 6 2023 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved 14 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:Guided tour with participants bringing their own objects to the exhibition. 

⦁    FEEDBACK:Strong stories was shared and the museum exhibitions was used in a different way 

⦁    PLANS:The museum does this workshop on regular basis with different age groups.


⦁  METHOD:Intergenerational learning with handicraft

⦁   WHEN: June 6 2023 

⦁   NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:We involved 10 seniors. 

⦁    DESCRIPTION:Workshop together with local group of women working with textile handicraft; sewing and embrodary. 

⦁    FEEDBACK:The seniors liked to have an intergenrational workshop but the discussions was not really there, everybody was concentrated on the handicraft.  

⦁    PLANS:We will continue with intergenerational textile workshops at the museum.


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