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Selected activities and techniques for educational work with seniors
The e-book is designed to consolidate what was presented during five international Learning, Teaching and Training meetings in the project, as well as to make the teaching materials available to those trainers who did not directly participate in the project.
The e-book is addressed to:
• trainers/educators/instructors who want to broaden their knowledge on activities aimed at promoting active ageing and raising the competences of seniors
• trainers/educators/instructors who are looking for inspiration and teaching ideas that could be included in their classes with seniors • people actively involved in educational and therapeutic work with seniors and intergenerational learning
• local, regional and nation-wide educational institutions that want to offer new methods to their own trainers and also expand their portfolios of activities addressed to seniors.
The e-book contains presentations of twelve different ideas of educational activities addressed to seniors. The partnership team made sure to diversify the themes of these activities, so that they could be applied in many types of institutions, as well as to diversify the competences that these activities will develop. Each partner institution has proposed two ideas of activities that are based on their unique knowledge and experience. All the activities described here were presented and discussed during the project’s Learning, Teaching and Training events. They are described from the practical perspective, have already been tested with the participation of the target group and got the latter’s positive reviews.
List of the activities
1. English for seniors - Learning English with the "Go flow" method based on-line in a state of relaxation, language games and fun. (MSK-Lodz, Poland)
2. Encaustic - (MSK, Poland)
3. Graphic Recording (drawing) (VHS, Austria)
4. Stellarium – A Virtual Sky Planetarium for multiple proposes (VHS, Austria)
5. Online cinema course (AidLearn, Portugal)
6. Storytelling through photography (AidLearn, Portugal)
7. Light on Artificial Intelligence (Pro-Med, Gdańsk, Poland)
8. Flipped Classroom for elderly - theory and practice (Pro-Med, Gdańsk, Poland)
9. Internet safety for seniors (Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente, Italy)
10. ICT for seniors (Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente, Italy)
11. Intergenerational learning with handicraft. Topic "Memories of Love" (Norrkoping Museum, Sweden)
12. Oral history in a museum context (Norrkoping Museum, Sweden)
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