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About the project
"EU - "RE" creaction - Developing Competences of Seniors"
The project takes a complex approach towards the seniors’ needs. The target group will be constituted by educators working with persons at risk of marginalization due to age and limited performance as well as seniors – participants of the classes.
The project " Re-creation - we extend the competences of seniors " is focused on development of cooperation and exchange of experiences of educators dealing with social inclusion of people at risk of marginalization due to age and health, limited physical and intellectual fitness. The aim of the project is to improve the qualifications of educators working with the elderly (65+); acquiring new or improving the already possessed psychological, interpersonal and methodological skills necessary during work with seniors; dissemination of various methods for work with people at risk of marginalization due to age and personal development of educators participating in the project.
The target group of the project are educators working with people at risk of exclusion due to their age and limited ability, as well as seniors participating in educational activities.
The project comprehensively addresses the needs of seniors. In the project will be used methods supporting the intellectual, creative, physical and social activation of the elderly: art therapy activities using theatre techniques, art techniques, music therapy, deepening knowledge in the field of ICT and Internet safety, sports and recreational activities as well as the use of biographical methods of work.
The main objectives of the project were:
• to improve the psychological, interpersonal and teaching qualifications of educators working with senior citizens (60, 70, 80+) in partner institutions.
• to facilitate the personal development of the educators involved in the project,
• to help develop cooperation and foster exchange of experience among educators working with those at risk of marginalization.
The main results achieved in the project:
• new methods learnt and competences earned by the educators working with seniors
• raising the self-esteem of the educators involved in the project
• increased motivation and inspiration to work with senior citizens
• expanding knowledge among senior citizens about activities related to active ageing and lifelong learning opportunities
• sharing good practices in the field of classes for seniors in partner countries
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